Our Pricing is Below The Alberta Fee Guide

Treatment 2022 Alberta Free Guide
New Patient Exam $74.29
4 Bitwing X-Ray $81.80
Panoramic X-Ray $92.19
3 Units scaling $210.30
Polish $77.90
Fluoride $30.26

Your Health And Safety Are Our
#1 Priority

Your Friendly Family Dentist in Red Deer

Invisalign Treatment Starting as Low as $3600

No Obligation Free Consultation

Walk-in Clinic Red Deer (403) 358-3114
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With Our Dentist Near You

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    Why Choose Gaetz Dental – Your Red Deer Dentist

    patient centered


    Our Red Deer dentist focuses on providing quality dental treatments that are catered to your unique needs.

    follow the alberta fee guide

    We Follow the 2022 Alberta Fee Guide

    We believe financials should not stop anyone from receiving the dental care they need. Our dentist near you is happy to offer dental care at an affordable cost.

    new patients welcomed

    Walk-ins and New Patients

    Our dentist in Red Deer is always accepting new patients! We look forward to being a part of your journey towards optimal oral health.

    full service dental clinic

    Full-Service Dental Clinic Near You

    Our dental clinic offers a wide range of dental services from general to restorative to cosmetic. With customized treatment plans, we can help you achieve your smile goals.

    about our gaetz dental red deer dentists

    Dr. Preet Kaur – Your Red Deer Dentist

    Dr Preet Kaur understands that a visit to the dentist in Red Deer can be overwhelming. Since graduating from the University of Toronto, Dr Preet Kaur has adopted innovative technology through advanced education and has implemented several techniques to help you achieve a stress-free experience. Our dental clinic and the staff at Gaetz Dental are committed to providing comprehensive treatment options tailored to your needs, so you can maintain a healthy smile for life.

    If you’re looking for kindness or compassion and the highest level of care, then let Dr Preet manage your wellness and oral healthcare from our Red Deer walk-in clinic. From a basic consultation to diagnosing and treating complex dental problems, stop by our dentist Red Deer and see how Dr Preet & Dr Jas can help you.

    Our dentist near you offers flexible financing so you can get treated when you need it without breaking the bank. If you’re looking for a dentist in Red Deer, let our dental clinic take care of your teeth.

    Contact Us Meet the Team

    Value Your Step Toward a Bright & Healthy Smile

    Choose a reliable Red Deer dentist who values your step toward a healthier and brighter smile. We understand your goal to achieve self-confidence to make a lasting first impression through your smile. Through regular check-ups or result-oriented dental products, we assure you will achieve that goal.

    Looking For a Dentist in Red Deer?

    Our dentist in Red Deer provides a wide range of dental services to help you achieve all of your oral health goals. Our dental clinic is centrally located and equipped with the latest dental technology to ensure you receive quality care in a comfortable manner. Our team is confident we can help you and your entire family achieve optimal oral health.

    Our Red Deer dentist provides no-obligation consultations, so you can visit our clinic, meet our team, and discover how we can help you achieve your oral health goals. Our dentist near you welcomes families, individual patients, and emergency patients with open arms.

    Contact us to schedule your appointment today!

    Contact Us Meet the Team

    We are Your Reliable Dentist in Red Deer Schedule Now!

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Dental health is the condition of your teeth and gums. It includes the prevention of dental disease, which can lead to tooth loss or serious financial costs. Poor oral hygiene can cause plaque and tartar to build up on teeth, leading to gum disease or cavities. Additionally, inadequate brushing and flossing can spread bacteria around your mouth and into your teeth, causing decay and pain.

    Dental health is essential for overall oral and general health. A healthy mouth defends against infection, which can lead to other serious illnesses such as cancer. Missing teeth or damage to teeth may also cause problems with chewing and swallowing, making it difficult to eat a balanced diet. Additionally, poor oral hygiene can contribute to plaque buildup on your gums and tooth enamel (another major source of tooth decay).

    Our Red Deer dentist is a professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of teeth and oral health. They are responsible for diagnosing, treating, and preventing dental problems. Dental care can include everything from routine cleanings to more serious procedures like root canal surgery or denture repairs.

    Our dentists near you also provide education on dental health and recommend ways to stay healthy overall by practicing good oral hygiene habits such as brushing your teeth twice daily (or using an approved toothpaste), flossing regularly, avoiding excessive consumption of foods such as sugar, caffeine, chocolate, and visiting your dentist every 6 months for a checkup.

    Most dental experts recommend patients visit the dentist near you twice a year for routine check-ups and cleanings. Cavities, tooth decay, and other oral health issues can start early and progress rapidly if left unchecked. By following simple dental hygiene guidelines (including flossing), you can help to prevent many common dental problems from developing into bigger problems.

    Additionally, it is important to make an appointment as soon as any signs of oral cancer or gum disease are noticed. These conditions require immediate treatment in order to avoid permanent damage or even death.

    Most dentists usually recommend that people with no symptoms see them at least once a year for preventive care. This includes checking your teeth for decay, cleaning and polishing your teeth, and inspecting the gums and surrounding tooth pulp (dental plaque). If you do have any symptoms, such as pain or bleeding from the mouth, then it is important to see your Red deer dentist right away.

    Proactive dental care can help to prevent serious problems down the road like tooth decay, bad breath caused by halitosis, etc. Early detection also saves time and money on unnecessary treatments like extractions or implants.

    Visiting Gaetz Dental can be the perfect decision if you’re looking for personalized service and quality care delivered by experienced professionals. Contact us today to learn more about how joining could benefit your oral health!